I love my new pants!!!!! And I think it was funny the flash completely blocked out my face! ha!
Guess who works here.....
Joshua's angry frog we made on Saturday. it was a pre-planned craft at Micheal's, That morning when we were getting up and ready the Disney channel was showing the princess and the frog. We had never seen it. It was ok. Anyway, Josh was convinced Disney channel and Micheal's had planned the whole thing for him!!
Me (can you tell I am soooo excited?!) And my beautiful sister!!!
YAY!!!!!! BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joshy was showing me it was 2 weeks until Easter! See the bunny? then the 2 w e another e on top of the first one then a k and an s together.
More Beauty and the Beast!!!! YAY!!
Our new nephew Matthew. He was born to Brooke and David on march 19th!!
Joshy and winston

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tobie's boo boo
Poor baby!! He is making everyone miserable!! He is soooo stinky and loud!! He just wants to go out but I can't let him out.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Too often Life gets in the way of having fun.
Life has been totally crazy this past week! On Thursday, we went to Joshua's eye appointment with the new Dr. that has taken place of Dr. Larson. We were there for 3 hours!! And she let us know, nothing has changed with his sight and basically this was a waste of time. (Awesome). We barely had enough time to rush home, eat and freshen up so we could find our way to Juan Diego high school in draper! Gary's cousin Ellie was in a production about Broadway musicals and Thursday night was the only night we could go to see her solo performance! She did an amazing job! Then on Friday we had Joshy's last dental appointment. I forgot to tell him it was his last so he didn't have time to mentally prepare and was heartbroken. So was Dr. Debbie. So, we made another appointment to go back and have his teeth checked but really it is just so he hang out with her for a bit and have the time to say goodbye. We were driving home and talking about whether Gary should be handy man at my sisters house alone or if we should go with him when I smelled something rather stinky, when we got home I realized it was our engine that was so stinky!! Popped the hood and discovered that the radiator cap had burst off!! We were not happy! I did what I could to fix it, everything looked normal, but after 7 minutes the car would overheat. All the places we trust with our car were closed until Monday. So we were car less for the weekend, not really a big deal, just had to cancel all sorts of St Patrick's Day fun :( But my mom picked us up and brought us over to Sica's (my sister). Gary fixed things Josh and I did our own things, we spent the night there went home on Saturday evening. Took the sheets off our bed , set the folded clean ones on and CRACK! Our bed frame broke!! Seriously. So we slept on the living room floor. Josh loved it but after 2 nights in a row on the floor (once here, once at my sister's) Gary and I were miserable! Gary was able to fix the bed frame and all is well now :) Sunday was pretty uneventful, just doing homey things checking on the car, still not finding anything wrong, people always say bad things happen in 3's so we were trying to figure out number 3....just usual Sunday stuff. At about 8 we found out Brooke's (our sister in law) water broke! This was exciting and worrisome because she wasn't due for almost a month. 5hours later, the baby was born healthy and perfect. It was a boy! 7 pounds 7 ounces 19 inches long, they named him Matthew. He is so sweet and adorable! We took our car in Monday morning when the shop opened, they couldn't find anything wrong with it, they had it all day, from 9 till 5 and couldn't get it to overheat. So weird, we figure last time the fluids were topped of the cap wasn't on all the way or tight enough or something. So the car is fine and the bed is fine. Now number 3. Today, I had to take our cat Tobie to the vet, he missed his boosters on Monday because we didn't have the car so I figured he could get them next time he came home. Well, his right rear paw was all bloody and hot and swollen and his toe nail/claw was not pointing in the right direction. He had other bumps and sores and scars but that was the worst of it. (Thankfully) he now has a cast, pain meds, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and has to stay inside for at least 48 hours! He is not happy. To him being inside for more than 30 seconds is pure hell and the worst kind of torture we could possibly inflict on him!! So I consider that our number 3 bad thing and we are now done with that for this year :)! I will try to post pictures soon!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Here are some pics of Joshy, Teagan, and Braxton. We went to the Lorax with them on march 2nd (not as cute as I had hoped it would be). And we played with them on Saturday! Joshy has been doing chores and saving his money for a Nerf gun he saw in a toys r us ad. It was 30 dollars!! (lame-o) Today when Gar and I were out grocery shopping I found a similar slightly smaller way cooler one on sale! I paid 3 dollars for it. When we picked him up from school today, I told him we bought one for 3 and if he wants it he can pay dad for it or he can keep saving for the one at toys r us. He helped unload the car then ran as fast as he could to get his bear bank and pay daddy for his gun!! It was so cute! Oh and a pic of Joshy making a horrible face while he was swinging on a rope swing in the backyard of my sister's NEW home!
captain america with his gun. I personally HATE guns but it makes him happy so whatev....
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Not a whole lot going on here this past week. We've just been getting together with friends and since Saturday night trying to get healthy! We've been battling a cold for what feels like months and every time I think we're over it it knocks us back down! Josh missed school Monday and Tuesday and is finally starting to sound better. It has been ridiculous and I am ready for warm weather and healthy bodies!
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