Joshy and winston

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Another fantastic date!
It started at the library and ended in the tub! He loves taking a bath at her house as you can see he was so excited he forgot to take off his unawares! He had so much fun picking out books and playing and she even gave him a hot dog!!!! Like on Mickey Mouse!!! such a great time and a fantastic date!! Thanx mom! You make my baby so happy! Even though he was gone for 7 hours (again!) It was easier because gary was off so we were able to spend time goofing off and having fun.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day!
This morning when Joshy got up there was a valentine present waiting for him! He was so excited! Daddy woke him up and said Joshy it looks like the love bug came last night! Joshy practically flew as he went to find his treat! He yelled to me " mom! It's Valentines day and the love bug came last night!" (He was given a small plastic red heart with war heads inside). I love children they make everything so magical! He ate 6 war heads before I had to take them away! Gary had 3 and his tongue was bleeding! I hope you are having a good valentines day and the love bug visited you!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Ice collection
Joshy has an ice collection and he was checking on it today in the freezer and he got a little cold. Kids are so funny!
Mama I am in de pen dent!
Joshy turned away at the last second and all other pics were horrible. Anyways, Joshy received a Thomas the train misty island mega blocks thing for Christmas and it has been his favorite thing as of late. Gary or I would put it together and Joshy would proceed in true 4 year old fashion to knock it down. Well today I was a bit more busy and when the chores were finally done and dinner was in the oven I came in to help and he was almost done! And he told me he was independent he sounded out the new word so sweetly and so cute! He was so proud of himself he decided to wait till dad got up before he knocked it down! ( approx. 45 min!! record! approx 44 min and 30 seconds longer than like ever!)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
FAQ'S about Joshy.
OK first off the most FAQ: He will be having another surgery, most likely in January. We will find out for sure when it will be in July. Dr. Patel wanted another eye exam to determine how soon it will need to be done which definitely will need to be done just don't know how soon. It will entail 3 parts: 1- Removing the current sling 2- Taking muscle and tissue from his more developed upper thigh (so basically whichever one looks better to the Dr.) and 3- making a sling with the muscle and tissue and putting in place of the current silicon sling. And no the muscle has to come from his leg not mine or Gary's. So next, if you have been following my blog ( you would know that we have been getting him ready for school and i was not happy about a lot of the things with that school. Pro: It is close Cons: Basically anything and everything you can think of! From the name (South Kearns EWWWWWWWWW!!) to the fact that its year round! and it starts at 815 am so on garys on weeks he wouldn't be home in time to walk or drive him to school. Some of you might think that that shouldn't matter but Gary is a very hands on there for josh all the time kind of father and he promised Joshy he would always take him to school everyday no matter what and when Gary makes a promise he sticks to it. And it is all day, no more half day kindergarten they ended that last year! Well I have some good news!! I went to the school I thought was his to enroll him because they start enrollment in January and it wasn't South Kearns! It is oquirrh hills and its like a gazillion times better! We always walk there to play in the summer but their sign was under construction so i never knew the name and then we found a GIGANTIC park not much further so we stopped going anyway it is traditional not year round so he will start just a couple days before he turns 5 not a month before like the other one! and the have morning kindergarten that starts at 9:05! Perfect gary and joshy can have breakfast together and walk to school! everyday! (thats how close it is) And on early days he gets to come home at 11! The other school didn't give kindergartners early days even though the rest of the grades got one! And the start registration in march so i'll be able to update from the day he starts until the last day and everything in between then. I'm feeling better about him going since i like the school so much better. and the stagger the lunches so that makes me feel better about not having the older grades pick on the little ones. Joshy is definitely excited! He didn't want to leave! (tear) So things are looking better! also i lost another pound! Maybe stressing is good for my waist? So happy news there.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How cute! my sweet little nerd!
OMFG!! Like freaking adorable! So my mom watched joshy for us so we could go on a date and it was so much fun!! And joshy wanted to take a bath while he was there and she didnt have like hardly any clothes she had this sweater which was my brothers when he was little. I remember jon running around in this so sweet! I love how joshy plays for the camera for my mom lately. And she had this little like running windbreaker suit that he loves and never wants to take off but it is still a little big. maybe this fall it will fit.
Climbing up the walls!!!!!!!!!!!! Well almost...
found out that spike loves loves loves peas! He took it right out of garys hand! Also josh wants me to tell you he pooped on the carpet!
Just because he is soo damn cute!!!!
My dad gave him this robe for christmas with matching pajamas. SOO cute! anyway i just couldn't believe how grown up he looks in the robe! So cute and such a little Gary! Copies everything dad does! O nothing is wrong with his eye thats patched, his right eye doesn't see as well so we have to patch the left almost done tho! and he wears glasses so cute! O i just love my little guy! I wish he would stop growing up! Y didn't anyone tell me it would be so hard??
My Very own personal trainer!!
he kept going back to the same pose his favorite the tricep kick back. and he was also helping i love you work out :)
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