Joshy and winston

Monday, January 31, 2011
My how time flies......
EVERYBODY MEET SPIKE! Or as Joshy calls him lizard. He is a Mali Uromastyx and he was my sisters and Joshy loves him so she gave him to Joshy now (not in 3 years like we discussed) and he LOVES him! constantly getting up to check on him or pet him or read books to him or take pictures or introducing him to anyone that comes by and I mean anyone, or blow him kisses and making sure he gets lots of carrots cuz they are his favorite in his whole life ever mom!!! Gary and Josh have their reptile and I have my kitty so all is well in the world. And no Tobie has not met spike yet. and probably wont for a while.....
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Joshy and I were getting ready to go on a walk because finally a nice day had arrived! I am so sick of winter! I live in the wrong state. Anyways, He looks up at me and says is it time yet to play in the sprinklers? (I WISH!) I said no baby its still winter and he rolled his eyes and sighed disgustedly and said but mom chistmas is over! Daddy should fix it back to sprinkler time!!!! So i said well honey daddy is not the god of weather i'm sorry. Josh looked very serious for a moment then said what is he god of? well what should i say? gary and i joke hes god of various things but can i say that to him even though he's four and plays pretend alot he can't possibly think gods or a god is real? I wasn't sure what to say when he said O I got it!! He's the god of fixing everything! whew! saved me from doing some permanent damage! So now Josh has a friend stuffed animal or family member that is either a god or goddess of something. except me. im just nessa helper to the gods.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Why do boys like gross things?
I know these pics are dark and taken at weird angles I was playing with my phones camera and I thought it was funny how Joshy is practically climbing into the tank with my sisters Mali Uromastyx (lizard) He finally was able to hold it! So for his 7th birthday we will be adopting it (ew). I know thats 3 years away but if he still likes it then he can have it.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Best Date Ever!! this is kinda a long one.
So it is about 330 am here and Joshy finally fell asleep. 6 hrs after bed time! I needed to pee and that was just enough time of him not squirming and talking to fall asleep.He is such a sweetheart and he told me today was the best date ever. He spent 7 hours with my mom. Just the 2 of them! He loves her so truly and deeply he could NOT wait for this day to come and he didn't want it to end! He kept calling it a date because it was just them. They went to the library and got books to read and then the best part RETURN! And they made valentines for everybody including his favorite toys the ones pictured are for me and Gar and our cat Tobie. (And thats him after they went shopping with a giant gum ball in his mouth!) They went to dinner and the mall and played in the dinosaur play area and he found Africa on the globe! (He is obsessed with Africa lately! Which really isn't a surprise I was as well at that age. One of the things that first attracted me to Gary was I thought he was African American) And they got gumballs and went shopping and they both wore their police officer shoes! ( Joshy got some really cute light up police shoes for Christmas from grandma Jen and my mom has black and blue tennis shoes) He had the greatest time ever! He got home at about 7 and finally stopped talking about it. Even in the tub his mommy ducky and baby ducky went on a date! (for those of you who don't know, he does not call her or think of her as his grandmother she is his mom and i am Nessa he tells people he has 2 moms) It was the first time since he was 10 months old that I have been away from him more than 3 hours. It was horrible!!!! I had plenty to do but I was so lonely! I missed him so much! I was kinda surprised by how much! I felt incredibly lonely. He is my little helper and best friend. I forget how lucky I am to have such a sweet and wonderful and loving child with me all the time. From cleaning and organizing to cooking he is always there ready to help out. It may take twice as long but it is a million times more fun and memorable. Who cares if the cookies are always burnt because we get sidetracked talking and eating the dough? Gary still eats them and Joshy says he likes them better burnt anyway. (see what I mean so sweet!) When I found out I was pregnant I took another 50000000 tests and was scared and immature but once you get past that you realize how lucky you are to be blessed with a baby and some days it is easy to forget but after today I don't think I will! Oh and 1 more thing, I do not want him to go to school! I am so not ready! But he is.
Friday, January 14, 2011
I meant to post this forever ago!
the video of my mom wearing joshs pants wouldn't work because believe it or not we don't have the right cable to hook my video camera up to the laptop! Super bummer. Sorry guys maybe someday we'll get the right cable. and by we i mean Gary.
Hello! Joshy is making a triangle with his hands because 1 its the best shape in the whole life ever and 2 he's donald duck. and it looks like my house is crazy messy but its not its just disorganized. There is a difference! I'm in the process of rearranging the spare room joshs room and the living room so everything from each room is in their corresponding rooms pile. it made sense at 1 yesterday morning not so much after a nap though....anyway i thought josh looked adorable and clearly its time to go back to disneyland!!! He keeps asking me about the next Holiday which is Valentines Day! So we picked out a new background. eh. luckily it will change soon.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Love is in the air already!
We will probably be seeing a lot of pictures like this this year. Its funny how you don't realize how many friends you have until they decide to get married! Since our wedding 5 years ago ( I know I can't believe its been that long either) We have attended 10 of our friends and families weddings I guess they just decided to follow our example of wedded bliss and get married! So our friend Kylie decided 2011 would be the perfect year for our 11th wedding! And I couldn't be happier for her! She is marrying one of the greatest guys I know and I'm so excited! (Don't worry I got her permission to post this.) Anyway we are super excited and can not wait till her big day!! February 11th! I love it! 02 11 2011!!! Congratulations Love!!! The year is just beginning and I'm sure there will be more weddings and I can't wait! I love weddings and I want all my friends to be happy and in love!! Joshy asked if the wedding would be in Escalante again (where my brother got married) because he wants to stay in a hotel again!! He was very disappointed when I said no. But maybe later this year we will have to take him to one!! Congrats Kylie and Kyle!! Yay!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Don't worry Gary is ok
I don't have a picture of Gary's latest car accident. He slid on some black ice a few days after christmas on his way to work and hit the cement barrier on the freeway. Luckily he missed the mini van that was also sliding out. He was not injured just really banged up the car but his phone was dead so he couldn't take a picture. Luckily he is just fine and our car is fixable, keep your fingers crossed and pray we don't have anymore car accidents. At least for a year. Or 2 Or 5.........
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