Joshy and winston

Joshy and winston

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thank you everyone for your concern and love.

Gary taking his temp before leaving to get IV out. It was 98.6! It took all of 3 seconds to have it removed and he cried only a little and had a blue wrap put on but he said a picture would hurt it so he hid it. But he got a balloon! (like his pj's?) And all that is left is a little red dot. It didn't even bleed. The earliest he can go back to school is Thursday. We'll see. He is taking Motrin, Tylenol and Azithromycin ( Z-pack) and we were given a prescription for Zofran for nausea which he needed last night ;( He is doing worse today than yesterday but better than Sunday. I am trying to keep him comfortable and entertained and in bed. Hopefully he keeps improving.
He was Batman for a few minutes. He sang I am good, I am so happy and I wanna wear Batman o yeah! i am happy and wanna wear batman so I will! Yes I WILLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! And then it was time for him to lay down and he fell asleep.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pics from yesterday and an early morning update

Waiting for test and chest x ray results. Joshy is freezing!

Finally sleeping, We're about to find out he has pneumonia

About 4 hours later and he can't keep anything down so he gets an IV. He was very brave and didn't even cry!


Sexy Gary with his big hair.

Joshy crying and miserable wanting daddy to hold him and make his hair small again.

YAY! 13 hours later we get to go home!
He fell asleep last night at about 10. He was very tired but feeling ok. His fever was down 99.6! He slept soundly and really well until about 7 when he started coughing a bit. He is doing really well and I think all the antibiotics he received yesterday really really helped. We will go back later today to have his I.V. taken out and his vitals checked. He has been keeping down liquids and even went pee!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

sunday sept 4th joshys worst day ever :(

What a day! It started at 3 am with joshy throwing up! He continuously threw up and looked pale and weak and tiny. His temp at 4 was 102.4 and he couldn't keep anything down so we took him to the E.R. where they gave him Zofran for the nausea which he threw up so a little while later they gave him more. Once he finally stopped throwing up and his fever had lowered they took a chest x-ray. And did a strep test. Strep test neg. fluid in his lungs. He has pneumonia. He slept for about 3 hours woke up asked for water and immediately threw up his fever was back up 102.9! He was stripped down to his unners and an i v was put in his little arm. He finally started doing better after he drained 1.5 I.V. bags. We were allowed to take him home this evening at about 6 and he has done well so far, he had soup and some fluids and has kept it down but he still has the I.V. in and a splint to keep his arm straight and we'll go back tomorrow to either have it removed or have him admitted to the hospital for 24 hour surveillance depending on how tonight goes. I will post pics later i just wanted to get this quick post up. And now it is time for sleep.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Okay here we go!

We spent a few days on our lawn, we dug up the top soil and put down weed tarp and black wood chips and put up a little black border fence, it looks so much nicer now! depending on your browser you will probablt have to click the older posts buttons a few times to see all the new posts! Enjoy!

Fishing with Papa Loder!


Okay, in no particular order and sorry some of the pics are blurry or sideways here are a few of the things we have been up to the last few months. We went to the zoo a couple of times, pent the day with Thomas the train, went to the aquarium with my dad, we also went with gars parents but i dont have pics, got new bikes and haircuts! Unfortunately I forgot to get pics of gars bday party that was on sunday! Thanx to everyone who came!! and Josh has become a super hero.

Joshys new hair cut, our new bikes and our table is set for our first dinner outside in 2011

Joshy drew a sail boat!

Joshy and his bff Joe

My bike

Joshs bike

Gars bike

Trip to the aquarium with Papa Loder