Joshy and winston

Joshy and winston

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Joshy's cute thing


Sorry the pic is blurry its from my phone, anyway joshy decided he had to have this light up ghost and he named it cute thing. Last night i said Joshy your my favorite cute thing and he said Im not a cute thing i dont turn on automatically!!!! Ha ha!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Naked Chef!

Sorry it has been so long (as you can see, Joshy decided to change his background)! As most of you know i have not been feeling well. So today after his bath joshy decided to make me dinner. A delicious salad!!! I'll update more when i feel better. Joshy is such a big helper and he's so sweet thank you joshy!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a wonderful weekend!!!

Joshy in his tux for Uncle J and Aunt Brits wedding!!!! It was a beautiful wedding down in Escalante Utah. The scenery was absolutely amazing and Brit was the most beautiful bride!! The wedding was perfect and I don't think anywhere else would've been good enough for them. The mountains and rock formations in the backdrop were amazing and added to the charm, beauty and romance of the wedding. Brit and Jon looked so happy. I've never felt or seen so much love and caring for one another. We had so much fun exploring the town and the mountains! (The drive is totally worth it!!) Joshy didn't mind driving for 5 hours at all; he is such a good boy! (Gary and I were sick and I complained pretty much the whole drive).  Monday Joshy and Dada had a blast shooting with Papa Loder and Uncle Andy in the salt flats and we ended Papa Loders vacation with a birthday party for Aunt Sicac! Joshy had so much fun; he wasn't ready for Papa Loder to leave this morning and he can't wait to see him again.